Job Opportunities
Support Staff:​
Part-Time Food Service 5.5 hours per day
Special Education Paraprofessional
If you are qualified and interested in any job opening(s), please submit an application, letter of interest, resume, letters of reference, and copy of license (if required) to:
Boscobel Area School District
ATTN: Shannan Aspenson
1110 Park Street, Boscobel, WI 53805.
For more information, contact (608) 375-4164.
FAX: 608-375-2378
Substitute Staff:
​Teacher , Paraprofessional, Bus Driver, Custodian, Food Service
Please click here to visit the Wisconsin Education Career Access Network to view certified staff openings at Boscobel School District.
Note: Unsolicited applications, letters of interest,resumes,or credentials files for future or potential employment positions will not be accepted or retained by the District.
Ref. - Policy Title: Unsolicited Employment Applications Code No: decoration:underline" 400.05 Date of Adoption: November 18, 1997
Boscobel Area Schools does not discriminate against properly qualified individuals by reason of their age, race, creed, color, disability, marital status, sex, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, political or religious affiliation, arrest record, conviction record, membership in the national guard, state defense force or any other reserve component of the military forces of the United States or this state or use or non use of lawful products off the employer’s premises during non-working hours.